Saturday, January 16, 2010

Essential Oil Extractor Is This How To Build A Supercritical Fluid Extractor? It Is For Making Herbal Extracts And Essential Oils.?

Is this how to build a supercritical fluid extractor? it is for making herbal extracts and essential oils.? - essential oil extractor

I read of little use butane, but I want to continue with the insurance company solvent, C02. more butane is a volume too small. 10L I want more. I think the adjustment of a pressure cooker. I learned that the critical pressure of CO2-1100 psi, which is greater than it is in the package. i heat of the kitchen, while I reach the pressure-pressure? critical temperature for CO2 88F and I have over anyway. If you know what I now think it could be the oven to heat while pumping CO2 from the right pressure and temperature at which I had a valvular lesion on the underside of a sentence, remains open pan to reach the top .. critical work? Is there a better way? Am I doing something dangerous or illegal without a license? Answers appreciated.


supastre... said...

As the pressure cooker, you will find the best result is about 15 psi, it would say, go!

You killed during an explosion of the compressed gas is completely legal.

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