Friday, January 15, 2010

Kidney Cars Can A Car Wreck Cause Kidney Damage?

Can a car wreck cause kidney damage? - kidney cars

I had my seat belt and when he met me in another vehicle data. My body is beat my belt around my right kidney area againsed difficult. Now, after 3 years, I am showing symptoms of kidney disease ... Is it possible? Or is likely to be something else?


Anonymous said...

I think that can harm kidneys, but they must have had symptoms long before now. Kidney disease, but is slightly different and is probably not developed the outcome of their collision.

Anonymous said...

I think that can harm kidneys, but they must have had symptoms long before now. Kidney disease, but is slightly different and is probably not developed the outcome of their collision.

Anonymous said...

I think that can harm kidneys, but they must have had symptoms long before now. Kidney disease, but is slightly different and is probably not developed the outcome of their collision.

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